Turbo Charged Conversions
June 10, 2022

Key features of Convertbloom CRM

CRM and Client Portal

We discussed about CRM and its advantages in an earlier article on CRM benefits. Everyone in the team can collect data and insights and collaborate to deliver amazing customer-centric services. Data that is organized and displayed by the CRM platform can result in greater understanding of the customer. This results in better communication and outreach, a lot of which can be accomplished by automation that allows you to provide the best, most effective customer support. Additionally, your teams will be able to be more productive and lessen silos.

The global market for CRM is projected to reach the level of $114.4 billion by 2027. If you\’re planning for your business to be around for the long haul and outcompete competition, you might certainly require to have a strategy for the future that is centered on your clients, and supported by technology. Typically such technology was only available to large enterprises, but with Convertbloom you are able to harness many of these best practices in one integrated sales and marketing automation system. There are targets for sales, objectives for business and profits. But finding up-to date, reliable data on your progress could be difficult. What can you do to translate the numerous streams of information that are coming from customer service, sales, marketing, and social media monitoring into valuable business-related information?

A CRM program can provide you an overview of your clients. You can view all of their information in one spot A easy-to-use dashboard that lets you know the previous relationship a customer has with you and their status with orders, outstanding customer service issues and much more. You can also include data about their social media profiles including their opinions and dislikes, as well as what they\’re saying and sharing about your company or competitors. 

Marketers can utilize CRM software to control and improve lead routes using an approach based on data, and gain a better understanding of the flow of leads or sales , which makes sales forecasting more efficient and accurate. You\’ll be able to see the full picture of each lead or opportunity and lead, allowing you to see the clearly defined path from inquiries to sales. The biggest increases in productivity as well as the overall shift of your company towards customer-centricity could be derived from moving beyond CRM\’s role as an effective selling and marketing tool and integrating it into the business process including finance, customer service as well as supply chain management. This will ensure that the needs of customers are at the top of innovation and business processes cycles. Typically so

Of all the advantages of CRM software, the use of technology and data to create an efficient business is the largest. This allows you to improve the way you manage relationships with your customers and leads to greater business success.

Convertbloom CRM provides you with full suite end to end CRM function. You can capture leads through Landing Pages, Event funnels or Optin Forms and directly syncs with the CRM system. You can set the various lead stages and export CSV file to upload into call center application. It offers the core features of CRM with following benefits:

Additionally, the following options are available:

  1. Dashboard: The dashboard for the administrator displays important details about your clients, projects, payments and employees.
  2. Clients: This area gives you the complete list of your clients. You can view the information about the client when you click on the name of the client.
  3. Employers: This area displays the employees of your business. You can view the information about the employee when you click on the name of the employee. You can also alter the roles assigned to users in this table.
  4. The Attendance section lets you to record and monitor how often your staff members are present.
  5. Projects: It lists the projects your company is currently working on. You can look up the details by clicking on the name of the project.
  6. The Task Calendar displays all the tasks the employees have been assigned on calendars, according to the due dates.
  7. Estimates: You can create estimates/quotations for clients. Estimates will become displayed to your client\’s panel.
  8. Invoices: This is the complete list of invoices that you\’ve prepared for your customers.
  9. Payments: It displays the complete list of payments that your customers have made.
  10. The expense management is up to you. the costs incurred by you as well as your employees.
  11. Events: It lists the schedule of events.
  12. Time Logs: They show the amount of time that is recorded by your employees who are employed. You can filter your outcomes by the date, and for a specific project.
  13. Tasks: It displays the list of all tasks that you\’ve assigned to your employees. It is possible to sort the results according to dates and also for a specific project.
  14. Tickets: You are able to create or modify the tickets that have been that users have submitted.
  15. Notice Boards Notice Boards: This is the type of notice you can post to your employees.
  16. The sticky notes are your private notes that will not be seen by anyone else user.



Your Client\’s get the below features:

You can read more about our features here.

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