Turbo Charged Conversions
December 20, 2022

Perils of hyper personalizing your marketing campaign

Digital Marketing

Personalization has been a hallmark of extremely effective focused, customer-centric digital marketing tactics for a long time and for good reason.

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Personalization based on data lets marketers engage with their clients on a greater level. They can send out offers, conduct promotions and establish relationships that is truly resonant with each person.

Top marketers are currently making use of a variety sources to customize communications via e-mails brands, websites for brand owners as well as social media as well as online ads as well as additional digital channels.

The personalization is a feature that extends to every stage within the marketing funnel, from information about the demographics of customers used to tailor messages during the awareness phase and the growing use of first-party information to personalize messages when a customer is in transition and their attention shifts towards support and retention.

Top companies are using these strategies since they understand that personalization is effective. Around 86% rate of businesses that see the greatest benefit from their marketing investment tend to tailor messages to increase awareness with relevant information about their products or services.


Personalization isn\’t risk-free. In reality, if when taken too far, it can hinder the long-term engagement of customers. Insufficiently personalized communications could make customers feel invasive and insecure. There\’s a risk of putting off those clients the brand is trying to keep.

The reason is because marketers may confuse purchase behavior with brand engagement. Both aren\’t the identical. It\’s a fact that after they\’ve purchased the product or services, consumers aren\’t necessarily looking for a personal connection with the company or the brand that supplied the product or service.

This is especially true of products that are low-involvement for consumers. Consumers of these items typically purchase by routine. or without paying focus on the company they\’re purchasing from. Very few people, if anyone want long-term or meaningful relationships with the manufacturer of their detergent.

In fact, for certain consumers who prefer a more transactional perception of the relationship with brands is applicable to all purchases regardless of size or and whether they are buying luxury or commodities. In addition, trying to continuously engage with these consumers through personal communications is not just ineffective however, it could also run the risk of effectively disabling them from the brand.


This also impacts how many data users feel at ease giving out.

If someone doesn\’t have any particular connection or loyalty to a company or brand, they\’re less likely understand why the company should have access to their personal information.

One area where this is most obvious is when companies go overboard when they ask for feedback. Nearly every customer has felt the pain of constantly receiving requests from companies to let them know how they\’re doing or evaluate their latest interaction.

From the perspective of the customer This is usually not a lot of sense from a customer\’s perspective. A majority of customers don\’t have an opinion on the everyday interactions. The constant pestering and requests for feedback could be perceived as intimidating and annoying.

Indeed, left unchecked, marketers risk creating a \”negative customer universe\”. This is when the majority of consumers decide that they\’ve have had enough of the company. The numbing effect caused by the overreaching of communication causes them to switch off and stop responding to any future communication.

The way a person sees their relationship with a brand can be very different from how the brand views its relationship with its customer.


What does this mean for marketing communications strategies?

Of course, nobody would advocate reverting back to the outdated one-size-fits-all mass market strategies from the past. Personalization is still a highly effective instrument that provides the most value to brands and customers.

However, it must be done properly. The most successful brands recognize when to tailor their messages and when to be engaging with customers, when to solicit feedback and, most importantly, when not to. The line between personal engagement and intrusion that is not desired isn\’t a straight line. A successful marketing or customer-engagement plan must be extremely careful about remaining within the proper boundaries of the line.

Here are three crucial considerations for marketers when they try to accomplish that.

1.Think quality, not quantity

Digital communications are affordable enough that any company of any size is able to send out hundreds or tens of thousands of thousands of emails to get feedback from clients. However, just because you can does not mean that you must. The most important thing to be aware of is quality over quantity. It\’s crucial that marketers establish the right rhythm and degree of personalization that creates trust and generates conversions, but doesn\’t force potential buyers off from the company.

2.Not Every customer is looking to be your friend.

The way that a customer views how they feel about the brand can be distinct from the way the brand views its relationship with its customer. It is important for companies to consider this when evaluating the level of engagement with their customers. This means that each communication has an impact even if it isn\’t immediately visible in marketing analysis. If a customer doesn\’t respond, it does not mean they didn\’t receive the message or do not like the product. The absence of response can mean that they are content. It is important to look at the customer\’s participation (or the absence of engagement) in an ad hoc way.

3.Don\’t focus on the way they rate their experience

Brands are naturally keen to collect the data they need to get to know their customers more effectively. It\’s crucial for building lasting, trusting relationships and maximizing the value of a customer\’s lifetime. However, this data collection needs to be done with care. Continuously asking each customer to rate every interaction unproductive. Human-to-human interactions that are healthy do not require seeking feedback on everything that happens, neither should relationships with brands.


The main point is that brands that are successful believe in the power of the long-term relationship that they have with their clients. They should ensure that their marketing or personalization strategy must reflect this feeling of confidence in their ambition, determination, and trust, rather than damaging the integrity of the relationship with customers by introducing an endless stream of panicked inquiries and excessive personalization. Implementing this strategy could be made simpler by combining personalization strategies with a client database platforms (CDP) as well as marketing automation capability. With a sophisticated and nuanced approach, brands are able to read their customers much more clearly–as people, not as data sources.

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