Turbo Charged Conversions

Tag: Neuromarketing

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15 psychological triggers to improve conversion

Explore the fascinating world of marketing and persuasion as we uncover the powerful psychological triggers and cognitive biases that drive consumer behavior. Discover how understanding these tactics can empower you to make informed decisions and protect yourself from manipulative marketing while helping businesses connect with their audience authentically.

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Infographic – Top cognitive biases that influence buying decision 10 of 20

We have discussed else where in the blog that all human decisions are not fully rational. Our emotions, subconscious, biases and crocodile brain often impact our choices and decisions. In the book Predictably Irrational, Dan Ariely points to many of such instances. Processing and interpreting information from the world around their heads and influences the …

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Are you using Cognitive bias in website design to drive up conversion

What do you think your customers feel? What are they really looking for? Marketing teams attempt at answering these queries each day however can you accurately measure the human behaviour when it comes to marketing? Naturally, you employ imagination as well as creativity and storytelling to target your audience however, the psychology and behavioral economics …

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Increase sales conversions through price anchoring

1. Introduction: Humans are naturally indecisive. It\’s been a reality in the past if you\’ve visited an ice cream shop and were unsure of whether to choose between cookies or chocolate chip mints dough. The dilemma can become too difficult that people may even leave due to the stress. But, a good way to avoid this is to …

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An introduction to neuro-marketing

Introduction Consumers are constantly making choices in their lives and are affected by what they see as well as the people they talk to, and the way they behave with content. Companies seek to understand their target audience so that they can figure out the best way to interact with them, draw their attention as well …

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Science of gear acquisition syndrome

People will do almost everything to ease their stress. In this piece I will explain how the gear acquisition syndrome could change our brain’s reward and stress mechanisms. I will discuss the brain regions that are responsible for rewards processing (e.g. the positive erotic feelings that accompany buying, for example, the Fujifilm X-Pro 1 with a 18mm …