Turbo Charged Conversions
April 9, 2022

An introduction to neuro-marketing

Digital Marketing


Consumers are constantly making choices in their lives and are affected by what they see as well as the people they talk to, and the way they behave with content. Companies seek to understand their target audience so that they can figure out the best way to interact with them, draw their attention as well as convince them to embrace their brand.

It’s not an easy job when you consider the fact that businesses are essentially global because of web-based technology. Users can be virtually everywhere, and their location could affect the way they make decisions and their reaction to content. In addition traditional marketing methods like surveys, focus groups and in-person interviews aren’t always the most reliable sources of information since they don’t provide all the data which can be gathered. If we consider the way people express their opinions generally, we see a tendency to think in groups and a lack of complete information, and the restriction of knowing only the thoughts of conscious people (unconscious thoughts can’t be explored by making inquiries). In light of all this it is important to think about if there is an alternative way to know what consumers like? What if we went directly into the root of it? The brain! Neuromarketing blends the neuroscience of marketing to evaluate marketing strategies as well as the subject react to stimuli such as websites, products and advertisements to increase the likelihood of a customer to purchase their item or services (Dooley 2014; Sebastian 2014). There are many methods used in neuromarketing. More and more businesses have embraced these techniques to enhance the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and their products.

Neuromarketing Techniques

Neuromarketing is a fairly new field and, while there is plenty to learn about the current goal is to quantify the emotional reactions to stimuli. There are four widely utilized techniques:. Eye Tracking EEG/Functional Magnetic Resonance (fMRI), Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and Face Emotion Analysis (FACE). The majority of people purchase decisions are rooted in their emotional reaction to stimuli and stimuli. There are six brain stimuli that marketers can utilize to engage with customers. Knowing how an end how the user reacts and interacts with the advertisement is essential in determining effectiveness of their marketing efforts.


 Market researchers are constantly looking for innovative and more effective methods to better understand consumers and trigger an emotional response in order to cause people to feel connected to your product/service to boost sales or user.  One of the greatest benefits these techniques play is to provide valuable, tangible information that can be utilized before a major launch (e.g. an upcoming advertisement, website, product, or product, etc.) It was a missed opportunity for Pepsi which could have utilized a neuro-marketing method, gathered exact data about emotional reactions and re-structured their advertisement to avoid negative press and wasted ad money.  EEG and fMRI are two techniques in neuromarketing that could have been employed in order to determine those brain areas which are active the most in response to content. As the posting of commercials on YouTube is becoming more and more commonplace and more commonplace, these techniques for neuromarketing are particularly beneficial for companies that is looking to expand into different international markets, as they interact with a worldwide crowd.

 PayPal employing neuromarketing techniques found that in the U.S., commercials that focused on speed and ease of use stimulated a more positive response in the brain in comparison to those that focused on security or security. In the U.S. market has a moderate culture of uncertainty avoidance however, if the same research were carried out in a nation similar to India or China in which there is high levels of uncertainty avoidance and a high degree of uncertainty avoidance, the results could be different.  People who have high levels of uncertainty avoidance will most likely prioritize security and safety more than speed and convenience since they are adamant about structure and minimizing risk. If Coca-Cola had employed an approach to marketing using neuromarketing techniques such as the eye tracker or EEG with international subjects they could be able to recognize the emotion response as negative or that they focused on an unintentional element of the image, which would have given the creators an opportunity to alter their advertisement prior to airing. The content can be tested across different geographical regions employing neuromarketing techniques to ensure it is localized content triggers the desired emotion (and can be adjusted in the event that it does it does not).  I think that neuromarketing offers an excellent potential for this field considering that the needs of end users can differ greatly for global-focused businesses.

Neuromarketing methods provide a significant benefit in catching the moment that an advertisement that is successful in the U.S may not perform similarly elsewhere, suggesting that different strategies must be used. It will help us better understand the global market and developing international marketing strategies and strategies to effectively reach them.


In today’s technological world, digital content is considered worldwide the moment it is posted because it is access worldwide by any one of the four billion or more online users. People often interact to one another on the internet by sharing their thoughts as well as personal experiences of the product. This type of interaction increases the likelihood that a failed campaign or advertisement or negative publicity can be detrimental to the company’s brand. It’s only natural that companies would want to employ neuro-marketing techniques to gather all relevant data in order to create content that connects emotionally to their customers and make customers wanting to purchase their product or service.

Knowing the kind of data neuromarketing tools and techniques provide, we can see the benefits we can benefit from them. In allowing us access the brain and observe emotions, brain activity and eye tracking on web pages, images videos. We are able to gain value from the non-voluntary reactions that individuals experience. Through combining traditional marketing methods, such as survey and focus group discussions with this type of marketing that allows us to test the traditional methods and find better ways to connect with customers. Neuromarketing permits managers and businesses to make marketing choices on new, tangible information instead of speculation. Companies looking to expand internationally can connect with and comprehend their customers with greater precision by using this type of test.

They are equipped to decide if the idea of standardizing localized content is feasible or if the complete localization could trigger a greater emotion from clients. There isn’t a “buy button” that we are able to easily access to our users. Marketers are able to pick the right tools to to achieve as close the same as is possible, engaging with the user emotional and brain, and getting a better understanding of how to connect with their audience without putting geographical distance as an obstacle.


In conclusion, the neuromarketing methods are techniques that can be employed together with traditional marketing to enhance the understanding of companies about their customers.  When people sign consent forms while they are being tested, we could be seeing more regulations and laws implemented in the near future, if the use of neuromarketing grows in popularity.
Being able to better determine how a person responds to content by analyzing data, could keep companies from embarrassing and costly situations like the examples above.

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