Turbo Charged Conversions
November 21, 2023

Practical Considerations for Demand Gen – Key considerations – Part 1

Digital Marketing

I want to emphasize the significance of creating content for your business. The only way to replicate yourself and increase your impact is by producing content that can reach a large audience. Hiring more people can help, but they won’t be able to duplicate your unique perspective and expertise. By investing in content creation, you can create a virtual army of “clones” that can spread your message and bring in new customers. This is especially important for busy entrepreneurs who want to maximize their time and efficiency. Even with a packed schedule, it’s crucial to prioritize content creation. In my own business, I make it a point to set aside time for content creation, even if it means sacrificing other activities. The payoff is well worth it – having a library of content available online can bring in passive income and help you scale your business. I’ll share more on the financial benefits of content creation later, but for now, remember that investing in content is essential for long-term success.

My approach to marketing is centered around the idea that effective communication is more important than any tricks or hacks. While many people focus on finding the latest marketing loopholes, I believe it’s better to focus on speaking directly to your target audience. Imagine you’re trying to attract customers with a billboard in the middle of Las Vegas. What would you put on it? What message would you want to convey to everyone who drives by? The reality is, you can’t target specific individuals with a billboard, but that doesn’t mean you can’t tailor your message to your desired audience. Demographics are a constant in marketing, and understanding how to effectively communicate with your target audience is crucial. Instead of trying to figure out how to target people who want a car wash, it’s better to simply ask everyone if they want a car wash. By doing so, you’ll attract the people who are interested in your service without having to worry about the latest marketing fads.


Here is our framework for effective video ads, and I’ll provide a few examples later on. This sequence outlines the elements crucial for generating the most revenue when shooting ads. If you’d like to capture this, it’s essential for your ad-shooting sessions. This is the precise order we’ve found to be most effective over the past five years. The first key element is an attention-grabbing hook—arguably the most critical part. In a world where people scroll through numerous pieces of content daily, those initial seconds must compel viewers to stop. Without a compelling hook, subsequent elements (two to six) become irrelevant, and your efforts may go to waste.

Moving on to the second element, focus on highlighting your product’s benefits and demonstrating its features. Begin with a straightforward introduction: the hook, what you’re offering, why it’s crucial, and the problem your product addresses. Creating content becomes more comfortable over time, allowing you to shift the problem identification (element four) to the second position. Although it’s easier to talk about your product initially, for effective sales, it’s crucial to address the customer’s problem early on.

So, the sequence becomes an eye-catching hook, followed by identifying the customer’s problem. Engage your audience by saying, “Here’s the issue you’re facing, and I’m going to solve it for you in this video.” This approach retains viewer interest and encourages them to watch the entire video.

This framework, known as content blocking, facilitates the efficient production of numerous videos during ad shoots. However, it’s important to note that this approach might not be suitable for organic content creation or continuous content production like what Trevor and Kale do regularly. Instead, it is tailored for running digital ads on platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. By adhering to this framework, you can achieve greater value with less time and effort—ensuring a hook, a well-developed core discussing your topic, and a compelling close with a clear call to action. Many social media users neglect the closing element, leaving viewers engaged but with no further steps to take. So, remember to film with purpose throughout the entire customer journey.


Attention-Grabbing Hook:

The first key element is a compelling hook, considered the most critical part.
In a world of constant content scrolling, these initial seconds must stop viewers to make subsequent elements relevant.’

Product Benefits and Demonstration:

Emphasize the benefits and features of your product in the second element.
Begin with a clear introduction, addressing what you offer, its importance, and the problem your product solves.

Problem Identification:

Over time, shift the identification of the customer’s problem (element four) to the second position.
Effective sales necessitate early addressing of the customer’s problem for viewer engagement.

Content Blocking Framework:

Known as content blocking, this framework enables efficient video production during ad shoots.
Tailored for digital ads on platforms like TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.
Achieve greater value with less time and effort, ensuring a compelling hook, a well-developed core, and a clear call to action in the close.

As you’re watching a video, it may seem like it’s about to end, but then it continues and the creator starts promoting something they want to sell you. This is a crucial moment that many people don’t take advantage of. When creating organic content, it’s easy to waste views and not generate revenue. To avoid this, I use a system that allows me to turn a few videos into many more. Instead of filming a video from start to finish, I break it up into smaller parts and film each one separately, using the same outfits. For example, I might film six different hooks and three different cores, which are the main topics I want to discuss. This way, I can create many more videos at once, maximizing my views and potential revenue.

For the kitchen countertop topic, you’ll want to focus on creating two main parts for your video: the core and the close. The core will be the central part of the video, where you showcase how to clean a countertop or highlight the differences between a well-maintained one and a poorly maintained one. This section will be the meat of your video, providing valuable information to your viewers. The close, on the other hand, will be the final part of the video, where you encourage viewers to direct message (DM) you if they have any specific issues with their countertops. You’ll want to film these parts separately to ensure that your video is well-organized and easy to follow.

By breaking down the filming process into smaller segments and creating multiple variations, you can produce a large number of unique video ads in a relatively short amount of time. Instead of filming each ad from start to finish, focus on capturing individual hooks, cores, and closes, and then combining them in different ways to create a variety of ads. This approach allows you to maximize the value of your time and resources, and create a large batch of video ads in a single session. For example, in a seven-hour filming session, you could potentially create 150-250 video ads using this method, compared to just 15-20 ads if you were to film each one from start to finish.

To maximize the impact of your video content, it’s helpful to create a variety of hooks, closes, and cores, and then test them separately to see which combinations perform best. This approach allows you to identify the most effective elements and mix and match them to create the most engaging videos for your target audience. By running multiple versions of your videos and analyzing the data, you can identify the winning combination that resonates with your audience and drives the desired action. This process is similar to split testing, where you compare different versions of a video to determine which one performs best. By testing different elements and combining them in various ways, you can optimize your video content and make the most of your advertising budget.

When it comes to creating your next video, you’ll want to take a strategic approach to ensure success. Rather than filming a single video from start to finish, you’ll want to break it down into smaller components. You’ll film six hooks that are similar in style or wording to the one that performed well, three different cores, and three different closes. This will give you 54 unique ads that you know are winners based on that one successful video. However, if you filmed everything from start to finish, it would be much more difficult to take that winning combination and edit it together. Instead, you’ll film each component separately, allowing you to easily combine the pieces that work best. This way, you can create a jigsaw puzzle of winning elements that will make your video stand out. Does that make sense?

I advocate for a more flexible approach to video production, rather than strictly following a script. With fifteen years of experience in creating videos, I’ve found that providing a concept or outline allows for more natural and engaging performances. Instead of reading from a script, I suggest giving guidance like, “Start with this hook, get close to the camera, and emphasize this key point.” This approach allows the speaker to convey the message in their own words, making it feel more authentic. Additionally, it reduces stress and allows for more creative freedom. By focusing on the main concept and core message, the speaker can add their personal touch and style, making the video more engaging for the audience.

Authenticity is key in these situations, so being yourself is essential. Scripting can limit your genuineness, and concepts allow for personalized formation. I create scripts and bullet points to maintain authenticity, as reading from a script can come across as insincere. Instead, I focus on covering all the necessary points in a natural, bullet-point format. This approach ensures that my message is conveyed in a way that feels true to myself.

We created a content block for one of our advertisements. We produced the hook, body, and call to action separately. The reason for its success is that we filmed each component individually. The broken screen frame at the beginning took three days to create because we had to bend and manipulate the video to give the illusion of a broken screen. The team went above and beyond by using special software to distort the video, making it appear as though the screen was broken. For instance, when the actor walked through certain points on the screen, it would bend and warp. It’s quite impressive. We’ve been running two successful ads for an extended period, one for six months and the other for seven months or longer.

We have achieved more than 5X return from this approach but believe there is potential for higher ROI. Another advantage of this approach is the ability to make all our ads evergreen. For instance, if a video featuring our rural character converts well, I can simply modify the offer in the closing scene while maintaining the same outfit. This enables us to reuse the video for various purposes, such as promoting a $1,000 content package, a $30,000 content package, or a Black Friday sale. The possibilities are endless, and all it takes is refilming the closing scene and altering the offer each time. The outfit remains consistent, making it easy to add new elements as needed.

In today’s world of short-form content, audio has become a crucial element in capturing the attention of your target audience. To help you brainstorm, I’ve got a few ideas for hooks that you can use to grab the attention of your listeners. One effective technique is to address your specific audience directly by asking a question that resonates with them. For instance, if you’re promoting a baby product, you could ask, “Do you struggle to get your baby to sleep at night?” or “Are you tired of trying every trick in the book to alleviate your chronic back pain?” By posing a relatable question, you can create a strong connection with your audience and entice them to keep listening. We’ve seen great success with this approach on TikTok, where we’ve added a voiceover to our ads that asks a problem-focused question at the beginning, resulting in a significant increase in watch rate. I reiterate, my focus is not on singling out specific individuals. Instead, I aim to reach a wide audience. I pose a question and welcome anyone who’s interested to come to me. I don’t discriminate; I simply allow people to come to me based on their own volition, drawn by my attractive qualities.

You can simply address them directly by name. For instance, if you’re promoting a car wash, you might say “car owners of St. George,” “XYZ homeowners of Santa CLara,” or “Santa Clara residents.” It is essential to include the name of the city if you have a local business. This makes it seem like you’re a genuinely local company. things are different when advertising credit repair across the country. However, if you’re advertising credit repair in Santa Clara, you should be very particular about your demographic targeting. Local businesses profit the most from this strategy since other service-based businesses don’t put in the same amount of effort or funding. You can completely dominate the market with minimal effort. I employed this strategy for your credit repair company in March 2018. The same videos and advertisements have been running for two and a half years now, and they haven’t been modified. The reason for this is that this formula is effective, and other businesses are not using it.

I enjoy browsing social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, particularly the “For You” page, to see what’s trending and what people are interested in. I take note of the popular content and share it with my team. We analyze the elements that make a video go viral, such as a catchy audio or a specific visual effect, and we apply those elements to our own content, like our car wash videos. It’s a quick and easy way to understand what’s popular and to create content that will resonate with our audience. By simply scrolling through the “For You” page, we can identify current trends and incorporate them into our own videos, giving us a competitive edge. We can also experiment with different camera angles, like sliding the camera from left to right or up to down, to grab people’s attention as they scroll. Little details like that can make a big difference in engagement.

It’s crucial to ensure that your content is engaging and moves at a quick pace, as viewers have become accustomed to the fast-paced nature of the internet. If your content doesn’t capture their attention immediately, they’ll quickly lose interest and move on to something else. To avoid this, it’s essential to evaluate your content objectively and identify areas that can be improved. Ask yourself if you’re able to watch your own content without feeling bored or disengaged. If not, consider revising it to make it more engaging and fast-paced. This can be done by removing unnecessary parts, adding more interesting elements, or improving the overall flow of the content. By doing so, you’ll be able to hold the attention of your viewers and keep them engaged with your content.

The margin, the exponential difference is insane because this is a permanent piece of real estate on the internet. When you go and fix these numbers in your business, you’re fixing them now, and then next month you have the same exact problems again. When you fix the problem in your content, you say, “Okay, things need to be faster.” They’re faster forever, dude. You don’t have to go and sit there and re-fix that same problem. You already know what it is. Every time you film it, you’re filming it differently, you’re editing it differently, whatever those things are. So self-evaluate your own content and don’t be scared to do so. I know a lot of us are. I used to be. I used to be like, “That video is awesome. Go post it.” Yeah, keep posting them, keep posting. And then I go watch my content, be like, “Man, I wouldn’t sit here through the whole video. I would stop watching here. This is kind of boring. This is too slow.” And start evaluating that. So scroll up or down, do something crazy, pinching in or out. You can do this afterwards, but basically shoot from far away and then you see people do it all the time. They zoom in, they zoom out, they zoom in, they zoom out. It’s just again, that squirrel mentality of like, things gotta be moving across the screen. There’s gotta be different captions, things like that. So this is very important for the hooks.

The significance of this concept cannot be overstated, as it has the potential to greatly impact your online presence. By addressing the issues in your content, you can ensure that it remains relevant and engaging for your audience. This is crucial because once you post something on the internet, it becomes a permanent fixture, and you don’t want to have to constantly revisit and fix the same problems. Take the time to evaluate your content critically, just as you would watch a video and decide whether or not to keep watching. This will help you identify areas that may be slow or uninteresting, and make adjustments to improve the overall quality. Additionally, pay attention to the visual elements of your content, such as zooming in and out, and consider adding captions to keep your audience engaged. By implementing these strategies, you can create content that truly resonates with your viewers.


Over the next 12 months, I plan to utilize various platforms to reach my audience. Here’s a breakdown of where I’ll be allocating my resources, with the left side representing organic efforts and the right side representing paid advertising. As you can see, I’ll be focusing heavily on Facebook and Instagram, where I’ll be creating vertical content. In fact, I’ll show you an example of one of my posts that exemplifies this strategy. It’s worth noting that in today’s digital landscape, creating vertical content is crucial for success. I won’t belabor the point, but suffice it to say that if you’re not producing content in this format, you’re already at a disadvantage. Moving on, all of my ads will also be designed in a vertical format to maximize their impact.

On natural content, there’s a prevalent vertical orientation. Thus, I’d advocate for utilizing both Facebook and Instagram. Instagram’s vertical content reels are particularly effective for organic reach at present. In fact, Facebook pages constitute the most significant organic traffic source globally at the moment. Therefore, posting on your fan page or business page on Facebook yields more organic reach than YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and others. Although this fact is often overlooked, GaryVee and a few others are aware of its potential.

Facebook is promoting its vertical video content in a similar manner to Instagram, but there’s a scarcity of content creators on the platform. Most creators are on Instagram, leaving a gap in Facebook’s video supply. As a result, the demand for video content is high, and Facebook is expanding the reach of business pages to fill this void, rather than limiting their reach as it usually does with personal pages.

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Practical considerations to turbo charge local demand generation – Part 2

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