Turbo Charged Conversions
November 21, 2023

Practical considerations to turbo charge local demand generation – Part 2



You’ve got a new client in a sector that’s not your usual domain. How do you come up with innovative solutions? Do you draw inspiration from the work of others? I’m in the executive security camera industry, where social media presence is minimal. Our clientele are high-end executives and their assistants, who largely rely on word-of-mouth referrals. Since our business is intent-driven, people actively seek us out, unlike a chance encounter with a viral TikTok video. Therefore, it’s crucial to maintain a strong presence on search platforms to cater to these discerning clients.

Allocate your resources wisely by focusing on Google and YouTube for maximum exposure. Use YouTube to your advantage by targeting individuals who search for private security on Google. By doing so, you’ll be able to reach your target audience for three weeks straight, with your company’s ads appearing before every video they watch on the platform.

The advantage of advertising over organic content is that with ads, you can target specific demographics and interests, such as high-income individuals in areas where your security services are in demand. This allows you to tailor your marketing efforts to your target audience, increasing the likelihood of conversions. In contrast, organic content requires constant effort to come up with new concepts and compete with other security companies for visibility. With advertising, you can reach potential customers at the exact moment they are searching for security services, making it a more efficient use of your marketing budget. Additionally, with pay-per-click advertising, you only pay for the ad when someone clicks on it, and you can set a maximum bid for your ad to ensure that you don’t overspend. This makes it a more cost-effective option than traditional advertising methods.

By creating YouTube videos that cost between five and eight cents per view, you can reach a large audience and potentially increase your company’s perceived value. When people search for security-related topics and watch your videos, they may see multiple ads from your company over the course of several weeks. This repetition can make a positive impact on their perception of your brand, as they may think, “I was just looking for a security team, and this company keeps popping up. They must be knowledgeable and trustworthy.” This can ultimately lead to increased consideration and potential customers.

This individual is akin to a local famous person, shelling out a substantial amount of money each month, all thanks to their ability to repeatedly target the perfect audience. It’s all about playing the frequency game, if you will. Hence, my advice to you is to emulate this strategy and focus on becoming a searchable service that’s driven by intent. In other words, seek out platforms that cater to people with specific intentions.

I won’t find a reliable service by simply posting “Security team” on TikTok. Instead, I’ll offer tips and advice. As an intent-driven service, your life is easier than others here since you can create three to five high-quality ads that run for 10 years, reaching new people with each search. Audio is crucial; I’d choose excellent audio over superior camera quality any day, as it’s vital for short-form ads nowadays.


As a data-driven professional, I’d like to share some insights that may help inform our marketing strategy. While video content is often emphasized, data suggests that image-based ads can be equally effective, if not more so. In fact, 42% of the time, images outperform videos. Given this, it may be beneficial to consider running image-based ads instead of investing too much time and resources into creating videos that may not yield the desired results. By leveraging high-quality images, we can still drive conversions and capitalize on the power of visual storytelling.

For businesses like chiropractors and car washes, creating a compelling video or photo with an appealing offer can effectively attract potential customers and bring them through your doors. While a photo may grab attention, a video provides more opportunities for retargeting and building brand recognition. Videos allow you to reach a wider audience and address common concerns or objections, making them a more effective marketing tool. To create the most effective ads, research your competitors and address the issues that customers commonly complain about in your industry. By directly addressing these concerns in your ads, you can overcome potential objections and increase the chances of attracting new customers.

If you have an existing customer base, leveraging their feedback can be a valuable asset. Using the example of a car wash, you could reach out to your customer list via email or text and offer a survey with a chance to win a prize, such as a discount or free services. The survey questions would aim to gather information about their preferences and pain points when it comes to car washes. Specifically, you might ask what concerns they had when shopping for a new car wash, what features they value most, what would entice them to try a new car wash, and what offer would be impossible to resist. By analyzing the responses from your current customers, you can identify common themes and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly. For instance, if multiple respondents express interest in a particular offer, you can craft a promotion that caters to that demand and positions it in a similar way. This approach allows you to tap into the collective knowledge of your customer base, saving you the effort of trying to come up with ideas from scratch.


We don’t bother asking them, that’s the thing. Not even in our own agency, you know? For five years, we just focused on producing great work and didn’t bother with feedback forms or anything like that. But now, we make sure to get feedback from every client, every month. Anonymously, of course. We want to know what they like and don’t like about our product, and we’re not afraid to confront any issues head-on. We’re not interested in sweeping problems under the rug and hoping they’ll go away. If six people say our communication is poor or our reporting is subpar, we want to fix those problems, not ignore them. So, instead of trying to guess what our clients want, we just ask them. It’s that simple. Our clients are all unique, so we don’t know what they might want. Maybe they’d like a free content package that costs us a thousand bucks. Or maybe they’d prefer an Amazon gift card or some other service we offer. Whatever it is, we want to find out so we can make sure they’re happy with our work. I’ve seen people offer vacations as a reward, and that’s great. For a beauty brand, that might be a great option. But we need to figure out what our clients want, and that’s what we’re trying to do.

We’re offering an all-inclusive vacation to Hawaii instead of a gift card or company supplies. It’s roughly $2,500, but the value we’ll get from the research and advertising we can use on our website and marketing materials is worth much more than that. It’s a worthwhile investment for us. Did you understand, or did you have a question?

I was planning to ask you about that because it’s quite fascinating. Instead of the full application, I usually ask people to make a small commitment first. Then, we use engaging content to guide them through the next step, so they don’t have to re-enter their basic information. Many people who skip the long-form application are easily forgotten, but a recent client saw remarkable success using this process. He grew his coaching business from $700 per year to nearly $3 million. Interestingly, we found that those who completed the short application but not the long-form coaching had a higher conversion rate than those who did. It was an intriguing discovery, and I’m glad we have this information. It makes sense to me, and I appreciate your insight. As a business owner myself, I understand the importance of this knowledge.

You’ll notice that after people finish a quiz, they rarely engage in text conversations or make calls. They usually don’t provide their contact information at that point. While it’s possible for them to do so, it’s unlikely, with less than 10% actually following through. To encourage participation, I use a simple calculator that shows the potential value of their car accident claim. By clicking on it, they’re directed to a short and easy quiz, designed to be accessible to those coming from social media platforms like TikTok and Facebook.

I was planning to ask you about that because it’s quite fascinating. Instead of the full application, I usually ask people to make a small commitment first. Then, we use engaging content to guide them through the next step, so they don’t have to re-enter their basic information. Many people who skip the long-form application are easily forgotten, but a recent client saw remarkable success using this process. He grew his coaching business from $700 per year to nearly $3 million. Interestingly, we found that those who completed the short application but not the long-form coaching had a higher conversion rate than those who did. It was an intriguing discovery, and I’m glad we have this information. It makes sense to me, and I appreciate your insight. As a business owner myself, I understand the importance of this knowledge.


Only a few local businesses actually utilize email and SMS marketing effectively, despite the vast potential for customer engagement and revenue growth. In a room full of business owners, only three individuals raised their hands when asked if they regularly communicate with their customers via email and text message. This is surprising, given the ease of collecting customer contact information and the potential for significant profits. For instance, a business with 3,000 to 4,000 unique customers could generate $40,000 to $50,000 in revenue simply by sending a single text message on Black Friday promoting a special offer. However, many businesses fail to take advantage of this opportunity, instead opting to spend large sums of money on marketing efforts that may not be as effective.

By forgoing the ads, you’ll be left with a void. However, if you had gathered and utilized the data, you’d possess a tangible asset that will remain valuable even when you decide to sell your companies in the future. It’s worth considering, as it may be a valuable asset down the line.

The worth of your business is directly related to the quality of your SMS and email lists. If I were to take over your company and you didn’t have a list, it would be less valuable to me. On the other hand, having a list of 30,000 engaged customers who regularly open your emails and messages can significantly increase the value of your business. Not only does it generate more cash flow, but it also adds substantial equity value when it comes time to sell. It’s crucial to prioritize building and maintaining these lists.

By leveraging email and SMS marketing, businesses can potentially increase their revenue by over 35 percent. To capitalize on this opportunity, local businesses can start by collecting contact information from their customers. For instance, a car wash in a small town could hold a public giveaway to encourage people to provide their phone numbers and names. This information can then be used to create a customer database, which can be utilized to promote the business and boost sales.

For a year, we’ll offer complimentary car washes to anyone who enters our giveaway. Simply submit your information, and we’ll send a confirmation text upon successful application. If desired, we’ll also send you a discounted offer for a car wash. By sharing this opportunity with friends and family, you can quickly accumulate a large number of phone numbers. In turn, we can send out mass text messages promoting our services and potentially generate significant revenue. The result could be a line of cars stretching three miles long, all thanks to a simple SMS offer.

Although I only had a little over 400 individuals to contact, it’s still a sizable group. Consider it this way, my friend: let’s refer to it as a countertop for the time being. When we use that term, it takes on a new identity. Let me provide an illustration: Imagine you’re replacing a friend’s countertop. Once you’ve completed that task, you usually don’t return to replace another countertop anytime soon. However, they discuss it with their companions, and so on.


This individual, during the Christmas season, takes advantage of his network by offering a $1,000 referral bonus to his contacts. He sends a simple text message to his list of a few hundred people, encouraging them to refer friends in need of countertops. This results in 400 people becoming his unofficial salesforce, generating five to ten jobs with minimal effort. This approach has the highest return on investment, as it doesn’t require creating content or investing in advertising. It’s a low-maintenance strategy that leverages existing connections to yield significant results.

Make sure to share this with everyone. It’s crucial to note that advertising expenses are increasing annually, and platforms are becoming more challenging to advertise on. They have more regulations, data-based contingencies, and it’s romanticizing the idea of owning permanent assets and data for your business. It’s essential to have control over your own data, as your business can be severely impacted by a single update if you rely on external sources of traffic. Instead, focus on converting customers through a well-planned process, which we’ll discuss further.

It’s risky to rely solely on a single source of revenue for your business. Diversifying your revenue streams is crucial to mitigate the risk of financial instability. While referrals can be a great source of business, it’s important to have multiple sources to ensure continuity in case one source dries up or encounters problems. Spreading your investments across various platforms, such as social media advertising, can help you reach a wider audience and reduce dependence on a single source.


The process between initial interest and final sale can vary greatly depending on the price point of the product. For higher-priced items, it’s beneficial to make the process more challenging to ensure that potential customers are serious about their purchase. This can include lengthier forms, more extensive questioning, and even a series of hoops to jump through before reaching the sales team. On the other hand, for lower-priced products, a simpler and more streamlined process is preferred, as it reduces friction and allows customers to make a purchase quickly and easily. Examples of low-barrier strategies include using platforms like Facebook and TikTok to host lead forms, utilizing quizzes or assessments to qualify leads, and implementing a sales process that is straightforward and efficient. By understanding the price point and tailoring the process accordingly, businesses can optimize their sales funnel and maximize revenue.

I streamlined the process by creating a simple four-question multiple-choice quiz that potential clients can quickly complete and submit their information. This straightforward approach has increased our ROI and reduced our monthly spending from $5,000 to $80,000. While some might argue that adding more qualifying questions would be more effective, I believe that for a low-ticket item like a car wrap, it’s better to have a more refined qualification process to ensure we’re getting high-quality leads. By doing so, we can avoid receiving numerous applications for older models like 2006 Honda Civics, which wouldn’t be a good fit for our product. So, in this case, the quiz I created is a chrome route that leads to a higher-quality pool of potential clients.

After determining the value of your case through a multiple-choice questions process, you’ll be asked to provide your contact information. Our team will then send you the information, and you’ll have achieved your goal. However, we’ve found that people tend to drop off at this point. To avoid this, we use a direct-to-text conversation or direct-to-DMS approach. Our sales team has closed $15,000 content packages using this method, and many people prefer it to filling out forms. You’ll still be the same person, but it feels less intrusive since it’s on their Instagram. This approach has its perks, and we’ve had success with it for four months before it stopped working for us. It’s a low-barrier approach that works well for less expensive products, while a high-barrier approach is better suited for more expensive items like coaching programs or countertops.

I prefer individuals who are willing to invest significant resources to thoroughly understand our offerings before applying. Unfortunately, there is a prevalent misconception that I am solely interested in generating leads, as discussed by someone yesterday—perhaps you. Let me be clear: it’s not about quantity when it comes to leads; quality is paramount. My sales team, faced with 100 leads daily, cannot effectively engage with all of them. I would much rather focus on 10 high-quality leads each day. The current approach is not only a waste of time but also a waste of money.

Considering the nature of my high-value product, which is priced at $20,000 and above, I have implemented a stringent application process and lengthy landing pages. The objective is to deliberately filter out individuals who are not genuinely interested or qualified. Therefore, the application process is designed to prompt intentional disqualification, ensuring that only qualified candidates proceed, thereby safeguarding the time and efforts of our sales team.

We’ve found success with various approaches. For instance, when someone clicks on an ad, they are directed to a brief application form. Following this, they encounter a Video Sales Letter (VSL), a 5 to 10-minute video where we educate them on a relevant topic, such as countertops in this example. This ensures that by the time they engage with our sales team, they are not only familiar with the product but also understand the expertise behind it.

Another effective strategy is to have applicants apply through their cell phones, leading them to a more comprehensive application. This method is particularly employed for higher-ticket programs, such as a mastermind. The process involves a short application, followed by a VSL detailing the type of individuals we are seeking. Those genuinely interested can then proceed to a more extensive application comprising 15 to 20 questions, ensuring a more thorough qualification process similar to the one outlined earlier.

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Practical Considerations for Demand Gen – Key considerations – Part 1

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